EaSynth JRepacker is a freeware that provides the facility to repack
your java application and the java runtime (JRE), in order to reduce
the size of your software delivery package. With this tool, you
can exclude any file, folder or entries in jar file from your software
delivery directory, thus you can reduce the size of the delivery.
You can also add comments on files or entries, and save all your
work into a project file, so that you can review or reproduce it

Please visit the Home
Page of EaSynth JRepacker for more details. |
Look And Feel
EaSynth look and feel is a Synth based look and feel, the name
"EaSynth" comes from "Easy Synth", because this
look and feel is generated by EaSynth look and feel designer, this
can be much easier than doing it manually.

Please visit the Home
Page of EaSynth Look And Feel for more details. |